Membership Meeting – February 5, 2008

President Bill Stine called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

Approximately 15 people attended the meeting.

A short business meeting was held. Bill urged people to share their trip photos after the evening program.

Recent trip reports were given. All trips had snow (various amounts). Remaining trips are all ready to go with no problems.

Executive Committee Reports:

  • Treasurer, Dave LeRoy – absent. Bill Hoffman has the books for the last 2 years and is doing the audit.
  • Day Trip Coordinator – Nan Reisinger, absent.
  • Membership Chairman – Michael McMullen, absent.
  • Newsletter – Pete Oswald, nothing to report.
  • Program Coordinator – Bill Stine or Peg Hampton, nothing to report.
  • Secretary, Marilyn Grove – nothing to report.
  • Vice President/President Elect – Peggy Hampton, reviewed the upcoming socials.
  • Immediate Past President – David Powell, absent.

Other Business:

  • Annual Banquet will be held Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at the Navy Base Officer’s Club. Details and reservation form will be in the March issue of the Easy Glider.
  • Next Executive Meeting will be held on February 26, 2008. Managing the club’s budget will be on the agenda, including ideas to reduce expenses and stabilize the club spending.

PROGRAM: The business meeting adjourned and we “Trekked the Sahara” with Ruth Krebs. She presented an exciting program of her 21 days in the western desert of Egypt.

Marilyn Grove won the $25 gift card to Wildware.

Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn S. Grove