Attendees: Rick Begley, Nancy Borreman, Debra Deis, Frank Geiger, Jean Geiger, Peggy Hampton, Weekend Trip Coordinator, Al Hock, Bill Hoffman, Carolyn Hoffman, Dave Hrolouchak, Nancy Kauhl, Carol Lentz, Dave LeRoy, Treasurer, Beth Major, Dennis Major, Joel McGuire, Mike McMullen, Pam McMullen, Roger Olsen, Pete Oswald, Newsletter Editor, Bill Pickering, Program Coordinator, January Powell, Secretary & Past President, Nan Reisinger, Day Trip Coordinator, Fred Richter, Tanya Richter, Dave Robinson, Martha Ruff, Joan Short, Bill Stine, Vice President, Sandy Stine, Bernie Webber, Fred Wilcox, Barry Young, Don Youngblood
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Bill Stine at 7:10 PM. Bill Stine conducted the meeting because President Dave Powell was not at the meeting.
- New and returning members were introduced.
- Bill thanked Pete Oswald for the newsletter, Mike McMullen for the directory People to Ski With, and Jesse Jepsen for updating the web site. Pete announced the deadline for articles for the next newsletter is February 25.
- Treasurer Dave Leroy asked people to get their money in before their trips.
The following trip reports of our completed trips were given:
- Lake Placid – Leader Bill Hoffman reported that six people enjoyed a hiking trip in Lake Placid.
There were two hours of skiing before the snow changed to freezing rain. Bill booked the same rental house for both MLK and Presidents’ Day holiday next year. We have until March to decide which weekend fits into our 2008 schedule. - Lapland Lake – Rick Begley reported that snow was scarce at Lapland Lake. The only skiing was on the lake. On the way home some skied at Salmon Hills.
- Pulaski – Leader Peggy Hampton reported that the 1880s House treated us well. It was a wonderful trip with a lot of wonderful snow.
- Black Forest – Leader Joan Short reported that 12 people skied for three days because there was snow.
- Tug Hill – Leader Bill Stine reported that there were great conditions this past weekend at Tug Hill. 14 people enjoyed their stay at the Allegro Guest House. The BREA trails were wonderful and the trails were perfectly groomed.
- The trip to Laurel Highlands this coming weekend has been cancelled. The Richters cancelled the trip because there had been no snow. To get our money back the lodging had to be cancelled two weeks out. Now there is snow in the Laurel Highlands. A Saturday day or overnight impromptu was discussed. Bill Pickering and Dennis Major will coordinate.
We all hoped that the snow gods would be kind to us on the upcoming trips:
- Garnet Hill February 16 – 19 – Leader Bill Stine reported that the trip is full with 14 participants.
- Ottawa February 19 – 23. Leader January Powell announced that 22 have signed up so far. Reservations will have to
be finalized in about a week. - Inlet March 2 – 5. Leader Bill Pickering announced that Inlet was full with 12 people in 3 condos.
- Winter Park March 10 – 17. Leader Carolyn announced that ten people have signed up for the trip. The trip is still open since the cabin holds up to 25 people. However, if you decide to go, you must make your own airline arrangements. Carolyn asked trip participants to stay after the meeting for a quick meeting.
Program chair Bill Pickering announced the following events:
- Tonight – a travelogue on biking in Eastern Europe presented by the Majors.
- Wednesday February 21, 2006 – Social at the Bangkok Wok in Mechanicsburg.
- Tuesday March 6, 2006 – A program about their volunteer assignment at Utah’s Natural Bridges National
Monument last summer presented by the Richters.
January Powell, past president and chair of the nominating committee, asked for volunteers for the nominating committee. Sandy Stine and Nan Reisinger volunteered. The slate will be published in the next newsletter.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35.
PROGRAM: The Majors gave an entertaining presentation about their three week bike trip last summer from Vienna to Prague, Bratislava, and Budapest. One of the most unusual places they visited was an ossuary that featured caves of human bones and a chapel with decorations made from human bones.
Frank Geiger won the $25 gift certificate for Wildware Back Country.
Respectfully submitted,
January Powell,