Trip Guidelines

Members of the Kick ‘n Gliders are welcome to participate in all trips. The Club schedules day trips, which typically involve skiing at a location within a two and one half hour drive of Harrisburg, and extended trips, which last two or more days. when you participate in a club trip, you agree to cooperate with the trip leaders and others so that the activity is save and enjoyable for all.


Trip leaders are volunteers who do the organizing, planning and preparation for trips they lead. They are not compensated for their efforts. When you participate in a trip led by someone else, think of yourself as a member of a team, not as a customer.


The Club seeks to have each trip support itself financially. Trip leaders estimate costs as closely as possible so that the expenses are covered, no more and no less. Total trip costs are divided equitably among participants, including the trip leader. All trip payments are made to the Treasurer, and all bills are submitted to the Treasurer. Neither the club nor any club officer receives any consideration for any club activity or trip.

Generally, assume that trip payments and deposits are non-refundable. See Article XII, Ski Trip Finances of the Constitution and By-laws for the Club’s detailed policy. Operators of the accommodations we use have investments to recover and mortgages to pay regardless of whether it snows or whether you find it inconvenient at the last minute to make a trip. Those people have undertaken a financial risk to offer to accommodations to us and we, in turn, assume a risk that we may not get a deposit back.

The descriptions of the extended trips provide the estimated cost of the trip and indicate the minimum (non-refundable) deposit required to hold your spot on the trip. Some of the more expensive trips have a payment schedule so that you can budget your money for the trip. Please make every effort to pay the trip cost in full prior to the trip. This will make the trip more pleasant for the trip leader who must collect any outstanding fees during the trip.

See also: Trip Finances


Carpooling is encouraged. However, each participant is responsible for arranging their own carpooling. You can contact the trip leader for a list of other trip participants. Also, please remember that the operation of a vehicle is costly. If you are a rider, please offer to pay an equitable amount to the driver who has agreed to take you to the skiing destination.