Vice President Jean Geiger called meeting to order at 7:05pm.
Approximately 23 people attended.
Following introductions of all people in attendance, a short business meeting was held.
Trip Report:
- Craftsbury,VT – Peg Hampton reported Craftsbury had light snow with some skiing done. Different food this year. She also reported that she has space for one couple on Pulaski I.
Officers Reports:
- President: Absent
- VP: Nothing
- Secretary: Nothing
- Newsletter: Absent
- Extended Ski Trips: Nothing
- Day Trips: Absent
- Membership: Nothing
Old Business:
- Jean read the bylaw amendment to Article XII, Sec l regarding the lottery we used to fill over-subscribed trips. Dave P made motion to accept the revised Article XII, Section I and was seconded by Andrea H. All in favor.
New Business:
- A red canvas bag and a pair of reading glasses were left at the Christmas party at the Stine’s.
- Business meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm after motion by Bill Pickering and second by Mike McMullen.
Program: Jean Geiger and Peggy Hampton talked about the Yellowstone trip and did a nice slide presentation.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn S. Grove