Membership Meeting – March 5, 2013

President Jean Geiger called the meeting to order at 7:20 pm.

Approximately sixteen people attended.


  • PRESIDENT – No report
  • VICE PRESIDENT – No report
  • TREASURER – No report
  • NEWSLETTER EDITOR – March 17 is the deadline for articles for the April Easy Glider.
  • WEBMASTER – No report
  • SECRETARY – Marilyn is on the Hut to Hut trip. Peg Hampton is taking minutes.
  • EXTENDED TRIPS COORDINATOR – The 2014 trip planning meeting is April 2.


  • The next dinner social is March 20 at Herby’s.
  • Year End Banquet – Date is April 17 at Gilligan’s. The reservation form is in the March edition of the Easy Glider. There is a nice selection of dinner entrees with a range of prices.


  • Ottawa – Bill Hoffman reported that the trip was a success in spite of cold temps and limited snow. Seventeen Gliders enjoyed the trip.
  • North Conway – Andrea Hospodar reported lots of snow. Seventeen Gliders participated. Some folks delayed their departure for N. Conway due to Nemo and others (Tim Musser for one) were cleaver enough to drive around the storm. Ski conditions were excellent.
  • Laurel Highlands – Trip was cancelled.
  • Inlet – Bill Pickering reported that seventeen Gliders also went on this trip. (Seventeen was deemed the magic number.) The snow was wonderful – all two feet of it. Temps averaged 28 to 32 degrees with no wind. The trip was a success and everyone had a good time.
  • Lake Placid –.Bill Hoffman reported fifteen Gliders were on the trip. The trails at the VIC were better groomed since Paul Smiths College took over it. Ski conditions were good. A reservation is made at the same house again for next year. Bill noted that the house is “for sale,” but it would probably take some time. If sold sooner, it is hoped that the new owner will honor our rental agreement.
  • Garnet Hill – David Walborn reported that they skied two days at the Garnet Hill Ski Center. The snow depth was about one foot, but the trail conditions were not the best.
  • Pulaski 2 – Peggy reported that ski conditions were excellent. There was two plus feet of snow on the ground. We skied every day. There were trail options for everyone to experience their favorite ski venue. We made the traditional trip to Osceola and four Gliders purchased new skis. There were thirteen Gliders on the trip and the Stines were in town staying at the Super 8.
  • Maine Hut to Hut – In process now


  • Bill Hoffman reported that the Nominating Committee is working on the Slate of Officers for next season. Election of officers is at the next membership meeting on April 2.
  • Based on the low attendance at the February membership meeting, there was a recommendation to cancel the February meeting. We can discuss the winter meeting schedule next month when during trip planning.

Motion to adjourn the business meeting at 7:35 pm was made by Bill Stine. Bill Hoffman seconded the motion.

PROGRAM: Wendy Palmer entertained us with a discussion and slides of her trip cycling the Trans America Bicycle Trail. She talked about the challenges and the rewards of cycling across the U.S. One of the challenges on the ride was the death of a fellow rider as the result of a bike accident. The ride started in Yorktown, VA and ended in Florence, OR. Wendy highly recommended that anyone planning this trip purchase trip insurance. It was another great program. Check out Wendy’s web page at Additional blogs from riders in her group are: or . Check Wendy’s web page for additional links. You may contact Wendy at the following email address:

Program was over at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Peg Hampton (for Marilyn Grove)