President Dave Powell called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
Approximately 28 people attended the meeting.
- President: Dave Powell – no report
- Vice President: Lisa Baer – absent
- Treasurer: Dave Leroy stated he has some reconciling of the books to do & will be sending out trip refunds soon.
- Secretary: Marilyn Grove – no report
- Newsletter Editor: Pete Oswald stated the newsletter is finished and he is not taking any more information at this point and it will go out shortly.
- Webmaster: Bill Stine – nothing to report
- Programs: Cheryl Capitani – absent
OLD BUSINESS: Membership chairperson, Nancy Kauhl stated she has gotten 3 new members in the last few weeks.
- Leaders gave reports of their recent trips and everyone agreed we had one of the best ski seasons!
- Business meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.
Program: Dave Powell did another great slide show. Eight fellow Kick N Gliders visited the ancient Inka sites in the Sacred Valley of Cusco, Peru while hiking the Inka Trail and climbing Hauyna Picchu.
Next Social – Wednesday, March 18 – Thai Palace – Camp Hill.
Next General Meeting – Trip Planning and Election of new officers – Tuesday, April 7. Center Street Grille.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn S. Grove