Membership Meeting – November 3, 2015

The meeting was called to order by President, Dave Powell at 7:05pm.

Approximately 17 people attended.

Officer’s Reports:

  • President: Dave reports Sue Stackhouse is doing a weekly newsletter for Crystal Lake to promote Nordic skiing.
  • Vice President: Mike McMullen – No report.
  • Treasurer: Dave LeRoy reports we have $32,000 (approximately) in the treasurer.
  • Secretary: Marilyn Grove – nothing to report.
  • Newsletter/Editor: Absent.
  • Webmaster: Bill Stine – nothing to report.
  • Program Director: Sandy Stine reminded us of the first social at TJ Rockwells on 11/18. Please call her if you plan to attend. Next meeting is Tues, December 1 at the Center Street Grill with speaker Steve Runkle.
  • Membership: Nancy Kauhl – reports 5 new members in the last 2 weeks.
  • Nominating Chair & Past President: Dave Walborn – nothing to report.
  • Old Business: None.

New Business: Bill Stine proposed we replace our current projector. He will further research this and present it to the Executive Committee via email.

Trip Reports: Several trips still have openings. Ron will send out an announcement with specifics on openings.

Business meeting adjourned at 7:15pm.

Program: Sandy Stine introduced the evening’s speaker. Julie Groh presented “Hands Only CPR”. We had a chance to practice our skills.

Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn S. Grove