President Mike McMullen called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Approximately 21 people attended.
Officer’s Reports:
- President: Mike McMullen – no report
- Vice President: Ron Henry – no report
- Treasurer: Dave Leroy – we’re still solvent but nothing else to add.
- Secretary: Marilyn Grove – no report
- Extended Ski Trips: David Walborn – General discussion on ski trips with spaces available.
- Day Ski Trips: Bill Stine – absent – no report
- Programs: Nan Reisinger – Announced Christmas party and Bill and Sandy Stine’s on December 21,2016. See the newsletter for their new address. Next Membership Meeting on January 3, 2017, with Steve Runkle – The Joller Story – Life in a Company Coal Mine and Village.
- Membership: Nancy Kauhl discussed Methow Valley ski trip and planning/discussing this ski trip at the trip planning meeting for 2017. She also states she plans on mailing out “People to Ski With” prior to the Christmas Party on 12/21/16.
Old and New Business: Nothing to discuss.
A motion was made by Dave Powell to adjourn the business portion of the meeting at 7:12 pm. Nancy Kauhl seconded.
Program: Lisa Baer – “Lost and Found in the Everglades National Park, Florida”. Miserable night, weather wise, to come out for a meeting but Lisa and Bart’s program made it well worth the trip. Nice slides. What an adventure!
Respectfully submitted
Marilyn S. Grove