Meeting Minutes – April 3, 2018

President Ron Henry called the meeting to order.

Approximately 26 people attended.

Ron Henry presented the slate of officers as follows:

President Nancy Kauhl
Vice President Fred Burgess
Treasurer Dave Leroy
Secretary Marilyn Grove
Trip Co-Coordinators David Walborn & Nancy Class
Day Trip Cordinator Bill Stine
Program Cordinator Mike McMullen
Membership Nancy Kauhl
Newsletter Editor Pete Oswald
Webmaster Bill Stine

Mike McMullen made a motion to approve the slate of officers and Sandy Stine seconded. All were in favor.


The only announcement was made by Bill Stine relating that Nan Reisinger is currently hiking the North County Trail (Michigan & Wisconsin). You can read her blog and follow her progress.


After much discussion, 13 trips are planned for 2018-2019 season. See the proposed schedule on the web. Bill will be emailing this tentative schedule to the membership.

The meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Grove