Kick n Gliders General Membership Meeting
February 11, 2020
The meeting was called to order by President Fred Burgess at 7:08 pm.
Approximately 22 people attended.
Officer’s Reports:
- President – Fred said the business meeting would be short.
- VP – Andrea Hospodar – no report
- Treasurer – Dave LeRoy reports everything is under control with club finances. Dave provided a quick update on how the Osceola Tug Hill XC Ski Center will be divided into parcels for sale based on his discussion with owner, Hugh Quinn.
- Secretary – Marilyn Grove – absent – no report
- Trip Coordinator/Trip Reports –
- Boonville 1 – Fred reported it was wet & warm, little skiing.
- Cazenovia – Nancy reported the group hiked as there was no snow. Eight inches of snow fell the last night of the trip.
- Pulaski 1 – Peggy reported good trip. Winona Forest pleasant Friday afternoon. Race loop conditions somewhat challenging on Saturday. Osceola received about 16 inches of snow Saturday into Sunday. New ski center hasn’t opened yet.
- Lake Placid – Nancy reported good trip with best conditions in years.
- Stowe – Lin Pomeroy reported best skiing in years.
- North Conway – Andrea reported temps in upper 20s/low 30s. Good old snow. Good skiing thanks to good grooming.
- Newsletter – Nancy Kauhl reported Sat, February 15 is the deadline for articles for the next newsletter.
- Nominating Committee – As the immediate Past President, Nancy Kauhl will be running the Nominating Committee for upcoming election at the April 7 membership meeting. She requested that members consider running for office.
New Business:
- Next social is Wed, February 26 at Fenicci’s in Hershey at 7:00pm.
Business meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm
Program: Our speaker, Paul Nevin, is the manager of the Zimmerman Center for Heritage in Wrightsville, PA. He oversees visitor services, programming, and education aspects of the Zimmerman Center. He gave a presentation on the winter life of native Americans. The program was informative and entertaining.
Peggy Hampton for Marilyn Grove