Kick ‘n Gliders General Membership Meeting
January 4, 2022
President Fred Burgess called the meeting to order at 7:01pm.
Approximately 20 people attended.
Officers’ Reports:
- President: Fred Burgess clarified that the February business meeting is a go and the March business meeting has been canceled per the web page.
- Vice Presidents: Tanya & Fred Richter – absent
- Treasurer: Dave Leroy states refunds for Craftsbury have been sent out to the 10 that dropped out. Craftsbury did not dock us.
- Secretary: Marilyn Grove – no report
- Membership: Nancy Kauhl reviewed trip openings including Cazenovia, Booneville, and North Conway.
- Webmaster: Bill Stine – absent
- Trip Coordinator: Dave Walborn – no report
- Past President: Andrea Hospodar announced she is in the process of finding officers for next season. Help would be appreciated.
- Programs: Cheryl Capitani announced she is having difficulty finding speakers for our meetings. She is open to program ideas.
Old Business: none
New Business: none
The Business meeting adjourned at 7:05pm
Program: Dave Powell was unable to do his program due to computer issues. He will be the featured speaker for the February meeting. The members shared stories of summer adventures.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn S Grove